
This page is here to help you upgrading from previous versions of Burp-UI to the latest version. Each section presents major/breaking changes, new requirements and new options. For a complete list of changes, you may refer to the CHANGELOG page.


  • New - bui-manage tool: This tool is used to setup database (see Manage).
  • New - bui-celery tool: This tool is used to run a celery runner (see Celery).
  • Breaking - Configuration file format changed. Colons (:) must be replaced by equals (=). Besides, some settings containing spaces should be surrounded by quotes. Note: The conversion is mostly automatic, but you should keep an eye on it though.
  • New - Basic authentication backend now support hashed passwords (Note: plain text passwords are now deprecated and the support will be dropped in v0.4.0). You can create new users with the bui-manage tool, passwords generated through this tool are hashed. Note: Starting with v0.4.0, plain text passwords will be automatically hashed.
  • New - Local authentication backend allows you to login using local accounts through pam.