
Since v0.3.0, Burp-UI ships with a tool called bui-manage. This tool allows you to create new users and to manage database migrations.


To manage database migration, you first need to enable database support within your configuration file (see Production section)

You will also need some extra requirements:

pip install "burp-ui[sql]"

Then you just have to run the following command to have your database setup:

bui-manage db upgrade

If your configuration is not in a common location, you can specify it like this:

bui-manage -c path/to/burpui.cfg -- db upgrade

If you did not install Burp-UI in a common location or you want to run it without installing it directly through the sources, you may need to specify the location of the migrations scripts like this:

bui-manage -c path/to/burpui.cfg -i path/to/migrations -- db upgrade


Double-dash (--) are important because bui-manage is a wrapper script


You can create new users using the bui-manage file like this:

bui-manage create_user <new_username>

By default, the script will create new users for the Basic authentication backend. Without further details, a new password will be generated. You can either provide a password through the command line or tell the script to ask you what to setup using either the -p or -a options.


bui-manage create_user user1
[*] Adding 'user1' user...
[+] Generated password: 71VIanuJ
[+] Success: True

bui-manage create_user -p toto user2
[*] Adding 'user2' user...
[+] Success: True

bui-manage create_user -a user3
[*] Adding 'user3' user...
[+] Success: True