
This page is here to help you upgrading from previous versions of Burp-UI to the latest version. Each section presents major/breaking changes, new requirements and new options. For a complete list of changes, you may refer to the CHANGELOG page.


  • Breaking - Due to the use of the new Flask’s embedded server, it is no longer possible to serve the application over SSL (HTTPS) anymore from within the Flask’s server. You’ll need to use a dedicated application server for this purpose such as gunicorn or a reverse-proxy.

    Or you can use the python -m burpui -m legacy [--help] command that SHOULD be backward compatible (but note that no further support will be provided since it is not the Flask’s default behavior anymore).

  • Breaking - The database schema evolved between v0.3.0 and v0.4.0. In order to apply these modifications, you MUST run the bui-manage db upgrade command before restarting your Burp-UI application (if you are using celery, you must restart it too).

    More details on the Manage and Celery pages.

  • Breaking - Plain text passwords are deprecated since v0.3.0 and are now disabled by default. It means you should not manually add new users in your burp-ui configuration anymore with login = password but you should now use the bui-manage command instead.

  • Breaking - The default version setting has been set to 2 instead of 1 since burp-2.0.52 is now the stable release.

  • New - The bui-manage tool can now help you setup both Burp and Burp-UI.

  • New - The SQL requirements have evolved, you MUST run pip install --upgrade "burp-ui[sql]" if you wish to keep using persistent storage.


  • New - bui-manage tool: This tool is used to setup database (see Manage).
  • New - bui-celery tool: This tool is used to run a celery runner (see Celery).
  • Breaking - Configuration file format changed. Colons (:) must be replaced by equals (=). Besides, some settings containing spaces should be surrounded by quotes. Note: The conversion is mostly automatic, but you should keep an eye on it though.
  • New - Basic authentication backend now supports hashed passwords (Note: plain text passwords are now deprecated and the support will be dropped in v0.4.0). You can create new users with the bui-manage tool, passwords generated through this tool are hashed. Note: Starting with v0.4.0, plain text passwords will be automatically hashed.
  • New - Local authentication backend allows you to login using local accounts through pam.