Gunicorn ======== Starting from v0.0.6, `Burp-UI`_ supports `Gunicorn`_ in order to handle multiple users simultaneously because some operations (like the online restoration) may take some time and thus may block any further requests. With `Gunicorn`_, you have several workers that can proceed the requests so you can handle more users. You need to install ``gunicorn`` and ``gevent``: :: pip install "burp-ui[gunicorn]" You will then be able to launch `Burp-UI`_ this way: :: gunicorn -k gevent -w 4 'burpui:create_app(conf="/path/to/burpui.cfg")' When using ``gunicorn``, the command line options are not available. Instead, run the `Burp-UI`_ ``create_app`` method directly. Here are the parameters you can play with: - conf: Path to the `Burp-UI`_ configuration file - verbose: Verbosity level between 0 and 4 - logfile: Path to a logfile in order to log `Burp-UI`_ internal messages .. warning:: You **MUST** set the *appsecret* option in your configuration file when using gunicorn. The default *magic* value 'random' cannot be used. If you don't change the settings the default value will be 'none' and your cookies won't be secured. Advanced usage -------------- `Gunicorn`_ supports further settings (see its `documentation `_ for details). For instance, you would probably like to use the ``-c`` flag with the sample configuration file bundled with `Burp-UI`_ in *contrib/gunicorn/*. Usage example: :: gunicorn -c 'burpui:create_app(conf="/etc/burp/burpui.cfg",logfile="/var/log/gunicorn/burp-ui_info.log")' Daemon ------ If you wish to run `Burp-UI`_ as a daemon process, the recommanded way is to use `Gunicorn`_. When installing the *gunicorn* package on debian, there is a handler script that is able to start several instances of `Gunicorn`_ as daemons. All you need to do is installing the *gunicorn* package and adding a configuration file in */etc/gunicorn.d/*. There is a sample configuration file available `here `__. If you are using this sample configuration file, make sure to create the *burpui* user with the appropriate permissions first: :: # install the gunicorn package apt-get install gunicorn # copy the gunicorn sample configuration cp /usr/local/share/burpui/contrib/gunicorn.d/burp-ui /etc/gunicorn.d/ # create the burpui user useradd -m -r -d /var/lib/burpui -c 'Burp-UI daemon user' burpui mkdir /etc/burp # copy the burp-ui sample configuration file cp /usr/local/share/burpui/etc/burpui.sample.cfg /etc/burp/burpui.cfg mkdir -p /var/log/gunicorn chown -R burpui: /var/log/gunicorn You will also need a custom client configuration and you will have to create the certificates accordingly: :: # create the configuration file used by burp-ui cat >/var/lib/burpui/burp.conf</etc/burp/clientconfdir/bui-agent1 echo "restore_client = bui-agent1" >>/etc/burp/burp-server.conf Finally, make sure you set ``bconfcli: /var/lib/burpui/burp.conf`` in your `Burp-UI`_ configuration filei (*/etc/burp/burpui.cfg*), and then you can restart `Gunicorn`_: :: service gunicorn restart If you want to take advantage of *advanced* features such as client add/removal and configuration files edition, you should set the permissions accordingly Burp-side. First of all, add the following lines in your */etc/burp/burp-server.conf*: :: user = burpui group = burpui Then you need to fix some permissions: :: chown -R burpui: /etc/burp/{burp-server.conf,burpui.cfg,CA,CA.cnf,clientconfdir,dhfile.pem,ssl_cert_ca.pem,ssl_cert-server.key,ssl_cert-server.pem} /var/spool/burp chgrp burpui /etc/burp chmod g+rwx /etc/burp Finally you can restart your ``burp-server``. .. note:: The above commands are meant for *default* setup. You may need to adapt the paths. Reverse-Proxy ------------- You may want to add a reverse-proxy so `Burp-UI`_ can be accessed on port 80 (or 443) along with other applications. Here is a sample configuration for Nginx: :: server { listen 80; server_name; access_log /var/log/nginx/burpui.access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/burpui.error.log; location / { # you need to change this to "https", if you set "ssl" directive to "on" proxy_set_header X-FORWARDED_PROTO http; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; proxy_read_timeout 300; proxy_connect_timeout 300; proxy_pass http://localhost:5000; } } Sub-root path ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can host `Burp-UI`_ behind a sub-root path. For instance ``/burpui``. To accomplish this, you can either setup your reverse-proxy to announce the desired *prefix*, or you can use the ``prefix`` option in your `Burp-UI`_ configuration file (see `usage `_ for details). If you want to configure this reverse-proxy side, you need to announce the HTTP Header ``X-Script-Name``. Here is a sample configuration for Nginx: :: server { listen 80; server_name; access_log /var/log/nginx/burpui.access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/burpui.error.log; location /burpui { # you need to change this to "https", if you set "ssl" directive to "on" proxy_set_header X-FORWARDED_PROTO http; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; # Our service is hosted behind the "/burpui" prefix proxy_set_header X-Script-Name /burpui; proxy_read_timeout 300; proxy_connect_timeout 300; proxy_pass http://localhost:5000; } } Apache sample: :: ProxyPass /burp/ http://localhost:5000/burp/ ProxyPassReverse /burp/ http://localhost:5000/burp/ SetOutputFilter proxy-html ProxyPassReverse /burp/ ProxyHTMLURLMap http://localhost:5000/ / Require all granted .. warning:: If your *prefix* does not start with a '/', it will be ignored. Production ---------- We can consider the `demo`_ as a production example of what you can setup/expect in your environment. It is using `Gunicorn`_ along with Nginx as described above. In order to improve performances, `Redis`_ can be used to cache sessions and various API calls. See the `production `_ section of the `usage `_ page. .. _Gunicorn: .. _Burp-UI: .. _demo: .. _Redis: