Upgrading ========= This page is here to help you upgrading from previous versions of `Burp-UI`_ to the latest version. Each section presents major/breaking changes, new requirements and new options. For a complete list of changes, you may refer to the `CHANGELOG `_ page. v0.4.0 ------ - **Breaking** - The database schema evolved between v0.3.0 and v0.4.0. In order to apply these modifications, you **MUST** run the ``bui-manage db upgrade`` command before restarting your `Burp-UI`_ application (if you are using celery, you must restart it too). More details on the `Manage `__ and `Celery `__ pages. - **Breaking** - Plain text passwords are deprecated since v0.3.0 and are now disabled by default. It means you should not manually add new users in your burp-ui configuration anymore with ``login = password`` but you should now use the `bui-manage `__ command instead. - **Breaking** - The default *version* setting has been set to ``2`` instead of ``1`` since burp-2.0.52 should become the stable release by the end of the year. - **New** - The ``bui-manage`` tool can now help you setup both `Burp`_ and `Burp-UI`_. v0.3.0 ------ - **New** - ``bui-manage`` tool: This tool is used to setup database (see `Manage `__). - **New** - ``bui-celery`` tool: This tool is used to run a celery runner (see `Celery `__). - **Breaking** - Configuration file format changed. Colons (:) must be replaced by equals (=). Besides, some settings containing spaces should be surrounded by quotes. *Note*: The conversion is mostly automatic, but you should keep an eye on it though. - **New** - Basic authentication backend now supports hashed passwords (*Note*: plain text passwords are now deprecated and the support will be dropped in v0.4.0). You can create new users with the ``bui-manage`` tool, passwords generated through this tool are hashed. *Note*: Starting with v0.4.0, plain text passwords will be automatically hashed. - **New** - Local authentication backend allows you to login using local accounts through pam. .. _Burp-UI: https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui .. _Burp: http://burp.grke.org/