Celery ====== Since *v0.3.0*, `Burp-UI`_ supports asynchronous operations thanks to `Celery`_. In order to use this feature, you need to enable it in the configuration (see `Production `__ section) You will also need some extra requirements: :: pip install "burp-ui[celery]" `Celery`_ needs a *Broker* to communicate between the workers and your application. I chose `Redis`_ so you will need a working `Redis`_ server (Basically you just need to run ``apt-get install redis-server`` on Debian based distributions) Runner ------ Once everything is setup, you need to launch a worker. `Burp-UI`_ ships with a helper script called ``bui-celery``. You can use it like this: :: bui-celery --beat If your configuration is not in a *common* location, you can specify it like this: :: bui-celery -c path/to/burpui.cfg -- --beat .. note:: A systemd service example file is shiped in the *contrib* directory .. note:: The ``--beat`` option is recommended since some operations need to be executed periodically .. note:: The usage of a `database `_ is recommended to keep a track of executed tasks .. _Burp-UI: https://git.ziirish.me/ziirish/burp-ui .. _Celery: http://www.celeryproject.org/ .. _Redis: http://redis.io/