
Here is the auth interface definition in order to implement a new authentication backend. It is composed by two classes.

class burpui.misc.auth.interface.BUIhandler(app=None)[source]

The burpui.misc.auth.interface.BUIhandler class maintains a list of Burp-UI users.

Parameters:app (burpui.server.BUIServer) – Instance of the app we are running in

The burpui.misc.auth.interface.BUIhandler.user() function returns the flask_login:flask_login.UserMixin object corresponding to the given user name.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the user
Returns:The corresponding user object
class burpui.misc.auth.interface.BUIuser[source]

The burpui.misc.auth.interface.BUIuser class extends the flask_login:flask_login.UserMixin class.

Returns:True if user is active, otherwise False
Returns:True if a user is authenticated, otherwise False

The burpui.misc.auth.interface.BUIuser.login() function checks if the profided username and password match.

Parameters:passwd (str) – Password
Returns:True if the name and password match, otherwise False