Here are the different routes provided by the application. You can implement whatever front-end you like on top of it.

GET /api/admin/auth/backends

Returns a list of backends

GET method provided by the webservice.

GET /api/admin/auth/users

Returns a list of users

GET method provided by the webservice.

PUT /api/admin/auth/users

Create a new user

POST /api/admin/auth/users

Change user password

DELETE /api/admin/auth/users

Delete a user

GET /api/preferences/ui

Returns a list of prefs

GET method provided by the webservice.

PUT /api/preferences/ui

Create prefs

POST /api/preferences/ui

Change prefs

DELETE /api/preferences/ui

Delete prefs

GET /api/settings/server-config

Reads the server configuration

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

  "boolean": [
  "defaults": {
    "address": "",
    "autoupgrade_dir": "",
    "ca_burp_ca": "",
    "ca_conf": "",
    "ca_name": "",
    "ca_server_name": "",
    "client_can_delete": true,
    "...": "..."
  "integer": [
  "multi": [
  "placeholders": {
    "autoupgrade_dir": "path",
    "ca_burp_ca": "path",
    "ca_conf": "path",
    "ca_name": "name",
    "ca_server_name": "name",
    "client_can_delete": "0|1",
    "...": "..."
  "results": {
    "boolean": [
        "name": "hardlinked_archive",
        "value": false
        "name": "syslog",
        "value": true
      { "...": "..." }
    "clients": [
        "name": "testclient",
        "value": "/etc/burp/clientconfdir/testclient"
    "common": [
        "name": "mode",
        "value": "server"
        "name": "directory",
        "value": "/var/spool/burp"
      { "...": "..." }
    "includes": [],
    "includes_ext": [],
    "integer": [
        "name": "port",
        "value": 4971
        "name": "status_port",
        "value": 4972
      { "...": "..." }
    "multi": [
        "name": "keep",
        "value": [
      { "...": "..." }
  "server_doc": {
    "address": "Defines the main TCP address that the server listens on. The default is either '::' or '', dependent upon compile time options.",
    "...": "..."
  "string": [
  "suggest": {
    "compression": [
    "mode": [
    "...": []
  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode

The JSON described above.

POST /api/settings/server-config

Saves the server configuration

GET /api/settings/path-expander

Expends a given path

For instance if it’s given a glob expression it will returns a list of files matching the expression.

GET /api/settings/clients

Returns a list of clients

GET /api/settings/options

Returns various setting options

PUT /api/settings/config

Creates a new client

GET /api/clients/backup-running

Tells if a backup is running right now

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

    "running": false

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode

The JSON described above.

GET /api/clients/running

Returns a list of clients currently running a backup

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

[ 'client1', 'client2' ]

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • client (str) – Ask a specific client in order to know if it is running a backup

The JSON described above.

GET /api/clients/report

Returns a global report about all the clients of a given server

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

  "backups": [
      "name": "client1",
      "number": 15
      "name": "client2",
      "number": 1
  "clients": [
      "name": "client1",
      "stats": {
        "total": 296377,
        "totsize": 57055793698,
        "windows": "unknown"
      "name": "client2",
      "stats": {
        "total": 3117,
        "totsize": 5345361,
        "windows": "true"

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode

The JSON described above

GET /api/servers/report

Returns a global report about all the servers managed by Burp-UI

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

  "backups": [
      "name": "AGENT1",
      "number": 49
  "servers": [
      "name": "AGENT1",
      "stats": {
        "linux": 4,
        "total": 349705,
        "totsize": 119400711726,
        "unknown": 0,
        "windows": 1

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients/servers you are authorized to.

Returns:The JSON described above.
GET /api/clients/stats

Returns a list of clients with their states

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

      "last": "2015-05-17 11:40:02",
      "name": "client1",
      "state": "idle",
      "phase": "phase1",
      "percent": 12,
      "last": "never",
      "name": "client2",
      "state": "idle",
      "phase": "phase2",
      "percent": 42,

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode

The JSON described above

GET /api/servers/stats

Returns a list of servers (agents) with basic stats

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

    'alive': true,
    'clients': 2,
    'name': 'burp1',
    'alive': false,
    'clients': 0,
    'name': 'burp2',
Returns:The JSON described above.
GET /api/clients/all

Returns a list of all clients with their associated Agent if any

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

    "name": "client1",
    "agent": "agent1"
    "name": "client2",
    "agent": "agent1"
    "name": "client3",
    "agent": "agent2"

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode

The JSON described above

GET /api/admin/me

Returns the current user informations

GET method provided by the webservice.

GET /api/misc/counters

Returns counters for a given client

GET method provided by the webservice.

  • name – the client name if any. You can also use the GET parameter

‘name’ to achieve the same thing

GET /api/misc/monitor

Returns a list of clients that are currently running a backup

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

    'client': 'client1',
    'agent': 'burp1',
    'counters': {
        'phase': 2,
        'path': '/etc/some/configuration',
        '...': '...',
    'client': 'client12',
    'agent': 'burp2',
    'counters': {
        'phase': 3,
        'path': '/etc/some/other/configuration',
        '...': '...',

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode

The JSON described above

GET /api/misc/history

Returns a list of calendars describing the backups that have been completed so far

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

    "color": "#7C6F44",
    "events": [
        "backup": "0000001",
        "end": "2015-01-25 13:32:04+01:00",
        "name": "toto-test",
        "start": "2015-01-25 13:32:00+01:00",
        "title": "Client: toto-test, Backup n°0000001",
        "url": "/client/toto-test"
    "name": "toto-test",
    "textColor": "white"

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • client (str) – Which client to collect data from

The JSON described above

POST /api/misc/alert

Propagate a message to the next screen (or whatever reads the session)

GET /api/misc/about

Returns various informations about Burp-UI

GET /api/swagger.json

Render the Swagger specifications as JSON

GET /api/doc

Override this method to customize the documentation page

GET /api/settings/(server)/config/(client)/(path: conf)

Reads a given client configuration

POST /api/settings/(server)/config/(client)/(path: conf)

Saves a given client configuration

DELETE /api/settings/(server)/config/(client)/(path: conf)

Deletes a given client

PUT /api/restore/(server)/server-restore/(name)/(int: backup)

Schedule a server-initiated restoration

PUT method provided by the webservice.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on
  • backup (int) – The backup we are working on

Status message (success or failure)

POST /api/restore/(server)/archive/(name)/(int: backup)

Performs an online restoration

POST method provided by the webservice. This method returns a flask.Response object.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on
  • backup (int) – The backup we are working on

A flask.Response object representing an archive of the restored files

GET /api/client/(server)/browse/(name)/(int: backup)

Returns a list of ‘nodes’ under a given path

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

    "date": "2015-05-21 14:54:49",
    "gid": "0",
    "inodes": "173",
    "selected": false,
    "expanded": false,
    "children": [],
    "mode": "drwxr-xr-x",
    "name": "/",
    "key": "/",
    "title": "/",
    "fullname": "/",
    "parent": "",
    "size": "12.0KiB",
    "type": "d",
    "uid": "0"

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on
  • backup (int) – The backup we are working on

The JSON described above.

GET /api/client/(server)/report/(name)/(int: backup)

Returns a global report of a given backup/client

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

  "dir": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 394,
    "scanned": 394,
    "total": 394,
    "unchanged": 0
  "duration": 5,
  "efs": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "encrypted": true,
  "end": 1422189124,
  "files": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "files_enc": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 1421,
    "scanned": 1421,
    "total": 1421,
    "unchanged": 0
  "hardlink": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "meta": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "meta_enc": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "number": 1,
  "received": 1679304,
  "softlink": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 1302,
    "scanned": 1302,
    "total": 1302,
    "unchanged": 0
  "special": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "start": 1422189119,
  "total": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 3117,
    "scanned": 3117,
    "total": 3117,
    "unchanged": 0
  "totsize": 5345361,
  "vssfooter": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "vssfooter_enc": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "vssheader": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "vssheader_enc": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "windows": "false"

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on
  • backup (int) – The backup we are working on

The JSON described above.

GET /api/settings/config/(client)/(path: conf)

Reads a given client configuration

POST /api/settings/config/(client)/(path: conf)

Saves a given client configuration

DELETE /api/settings/config/(client)/(path: conf)

Deletes a given client

GET /api/settings/(server)/path-expander/(client)

Expends a given path

For instance if it’s given a glob expression it will returns a list of files matching the expression.

GET /api/settings/(server)/server-config/(path: conf)

Reads the server configuration

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

  "boolean": [
  "defaults": {
    "address": "",
    "autoupgrade_dir": "",
    "ca_burp_ca": "",
    "ca_conf": "",
    "ca_name": "",
    "ca_server_name": "",
    "client_can_delete": true,
    "...": "..."
  "integer": [
  "multi": [
  "placeholders": {
    "autoupgrade_dir": "path",
    "ca_burp_ca": "path",
    "ca_conf": "path",
    "ca_name": "name",
    "ca_server_name": "name",
    "client_can_delete": "0|1",
    "...": "..."
  "results": {
    "boolean": [
        "name": "hardlinked_archive",
        "value": false
        "name": "syslog",
        "value": true
      { "...": "..." }
    "clients": [
        "name": "testclient",
        "value": "/etc/burp/clientconfdir/testclient"
    "common": [
        "name": "mode",
        "value": "server"
        "name": "directory",
        "value": "/var/spool/burp"
      { "...": "..." }
    "includes": [],
    "includes_ext": [],
    "integer": [
        "name": "port",
        "value": 4971
        "name": "status_port",
        "value": 4972
      { "...": "..." }
    "multi": [
        "name": "keep",
        "value": [
      { "...": "..." }
  "server_doc": {
    "address": "Defines the main TCP address that the server listens on. The default is either '::' or '', dependent upon compile time options.",
    "...": "..."
  "string": [
  "suggest": {
    "compression": [
    "mode": [
    "...": []
  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode

The JSON described above.

POST /api/settings/(server)/server-config/(path: conf)

Saves the server configuration

GET /api/settings/(server)/config/(client)

Reads a given client configuration

POST /api/settings/(server)/config/(client)

Saves a given client configuration

DELETE /api/settings/(server)/config/(client)

Deletes a given client

PUT /api/restore/server-restore/(name)/(int: backup)

Schedule a server-initiated restoration

PUT method provided by the webservice.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on
  • backup (int) – The backup we are working on

Status message (success or failure)

POST /api/restore/archive/(name)/(int: backup)

Performs an online restoration

POST method provided by the webservice. This method returns a flask.Response object.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on
  • backup (int) – The backup we are working on

A flask.Response object representing an archive of the restored files

GET /api/restore/(server)/server-restore/(name)

Reads the content of the ‘restore’ file if present

GET method provided by the webservice.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on

The content of the restore file

DELETE /api/restore/(server)/server-restore/(name)

Remove the ‘restore’ file if present

DELETE method provided by the webservice.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on

Status message (success or failure)

GET /api/clients/(server)/running/(client)

Returns a list of clients currently running a backup

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

[ 'client1', 'client2' ]

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • client (str) – Ask a specific client in order to know if it is running a backup

The JSON described above.

GET /api/client/browse/(name)/(int: backup)

Returns a list of ‘nodes’ under a given path

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

    "date": "2015-05-21 14:54:49",
    "gid": "0",
    "inodes": "173",
    "selected": false,
    "expanded": false,
    "children": [],
    "mode": "drwxr-xr-x",
    "name": "/",
    "key": "/",
    "title": "/",
    "fullname": "/",
    "parent": "",
    "size": "12.0KiB",
    "type": "d",
    "uid": "0"

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on
  • backup (int) – The backup we are working on

The JSON described above.

GET /api/client/report/(name)/(int: backup)

Returns a global report of a given backup/client

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

  "dir": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 394,
    "scanned": 394,
    "total": 394,
    "unchanged": 0
  "duration": 5,
  "efs": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "encrypted": true,
  "end": 1422189124,
  "files": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "files_enc": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 1421,
    "scanned": 1421,
    "total": 1421,
    "unchanged": 0
  "hardlink": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "meta": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "meta_enc": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "number": 1,
  "received": 1679304,
  "softlink": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 1302,
    "scanned": 1302,
    "total": 1302,
    "unchanged": 0
  "special": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "start": 1422189119,
  "total": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 3117,
    "scanned": 3117,
    "total": 3117,
    "unchanged": 0
  "totsize": 5345361,
  "vssfooter": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "vssfooter_enc": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "vssheader": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "vssheader_enc": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "windows": "false"

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on
  • backup (int) – The backup we are working on

The JSON described above.

PUT /api/backup/(server)/do-server-backup/(name)

Schedule a server-initiated backup

PUT method provided by the webservice.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on

Status message (success or failure)

GET /api/backup/(server)/server-backup/(name)

Tells if a ‘backup’ file is present

GET method provided by the webservice.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on

True if the file is found

DELETE /api/backup/(server)/server-backup/(name)

Remove the ‘backup’ file if present

DELETE method provided by the webservice.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on

Status message (success or failure)

GET /api/client/(server)/report/(name)

Returns a global report of a given backup/client

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

  "dir": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 394,
    "scanned": 394,
    "total": 394,
    "unchanged": 0
  "duration": 5,
  "efs": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "encrypted": true,
  "end": 1422189124,
  "files": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "files_enc": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 1421,
    "scanned": 1421,
    "total": 1421,
    "unchanged": 0
  "hardlink": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "meta": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "meta_enc": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "number": 1,
  "received": 1679304,
  "softlink": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 1302,
    "scanned": 1302,
    "total": 1302,
    "unchanged": 0
  "special": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "start": 1422189119,
  "total": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 3117,
    "scanned": 3117,
    "total": 3117,
    "unchanged": 0
  "totsize": 5345361,
  "vssfooter": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "vssfooter_enc": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "vssheader": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "vssheader_enc": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "windows": "false"

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on
  • backup (int) – The backup we are working on

The JSON described above.

GET /api/client/(server)/stats/(name)

Returns a list of backups for a given client

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

    "date": "2015-01-25 13:32:00",
    "deletable": true,
    "encrypted": true,
    "received": 123,
    "size": 1234,
    "number": 1

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on

The JSON described above.

GET /api/admin/auth/users/(name)

Returns a list of users

GET method provided by the webservice.

PUT /api/admin/auth/users/(name)

Create a new user

POST /api/admin/auth/users/(name)

Change user password

DELETE /api/admin/auth/users/(name)

Delete a user

GET /api/misc/(server)/counters/(client)

Returns counters for a given client

GET method provided by the webservice.

  • name – the client name if any. You can also use the GET parameter

‘name’ to achieve the same thing

GET /api/misc/(server)/history/(client)

Returns a list of calendars describing the backups that have been completed so far

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

    "color": "#7C6F44",
    "events": [
        "backup": "0000001",
        "end": "2015-01-25 13:32:04+01:00",
        "name": "toto-test",
        "start": "2015-01-25 13:32:00+01:00",
        "title": "Client: toto-test, Backup n°0000001",
        "url": "/client/toto-test"
    "name": "toto-test",
    "textColor": "white"

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • client (str) – Which client to collect data from

The JSON described above

GET /api/settings/path-expander/(client)

Expends a given path

For instance if it’s given a glob expression it will returns a list of files matching the expression.

GET /api/settings/server-config/(path: conf)

Reads the server configuration

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

  "boolean": [
  "defaults": {
    "address": "",
    "autoupgrade_dir": "",
    "ca_burp_ca": "",
    "ca_conf": "",
    "ca_name": "",
    "ca_server_name": "",
    "client_can_delete": true,
    "...": "..."
  "integer": [
  "multi": [
  "placeholders": {
    "autoupgrade_dir": "path",
    "ca_burp_ca": "path",
    "ca_conf": "path",
    "ca_name": "name",
    "ca_server_name": "name",
    "client_can_delete": "0|1",
    "...": "..."
  "results": {
    "boolean": [
        "name": "hardlinked_archive",
        "value": false
        "name": "syslog",
        "value": true
      { "...": "..." }
    "clients": [
        "name": "testclient",
        "value": "/etc/burp/clientconfdir/testclient"
    "common": [
        "name": "mode",
        "value": "server"
        "name": "directory",
        "value": "/var/spool/burp"
      { "...": "..." }
    "includes": [],
    "includes_ext": [],
    "integer": [
        "name": "port",
        "value": 4971
        "name": "status_port",
        "value": 4972
      { "...": "..." }
    "multi": [
        "name": "keep",
        "value": [
      { "...": "..." }
  "server_doc": {
    "address": "Defines the main TCP address that the server listens on. The default is either '::' or '', dependent upon compile time options.",
    "...": "..."
  "string": [
  "suggest": {
    "compression": [
    "mode": [
    "...": []
  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode

The JSON described above.

POST /api/settings/server-config/(path: conf)

Saves the server configuration

GET /api/settings/config/(client)

Reads a given client configuration

POST /api/settings/config/(client)

Saves a given client configuration

DELETE /api/settings/config/(client)

Deletes a given client

GET /api/settings/(server)/server-config

Reads the server configuration

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

  "boolean": [
  "defaults": {
    "address": "",
    "autoupgrade_dir": "",
    "ca_burp_ca": "",
    "ca_conf": "",
    "ca_name": "",
    "ca_server_name": "",
    "client_can_delete": true,
    "...": "..."
  "integer": [
  "multi": [
  "placeholders": {
    "autoupgrade_dir": "path",
    "ca_burp_ca": "path",
    "ca_conf": "path",
    "ca_name": "name",
    "ca_server_name": "name",
    "client_can_delete": "0|1",
    "...": "..."
  "results": {
    "boolean": [
        "name": "hardlinked_archive",
        "value": false
        "name": "syslog",
        "value": true
      { "...": "..." }
    "clients": [
        "name": "testclient",
        "value": "/etc/burp/clientconfdir/testclient"
    "common": [
        "name": "mode",
        "value": "server"
        "name": "directory",
        "value": "/var/spool/burp"
      { "...": "..." }
    "includes": [],
    "includes_ext": [],
    "integer": [
        "name": "port",
        "value": 4971
        "name": "status_port",
        "value": 4972
      { "...": "..." }
    "multi": [
        "name": "keep",
        "value": [
      { "...": "..." }
  "server_doc": {
    "address": "Defines the main TCP address that the server listens on. The default is either '::' or '', dependent upon compile time options.",
    "...": "..."
  "string": [
  "suggest": {
    "compression": [
    "mode": [
    "...": []
  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode

The JSON described above.

POST /api/settings/(server)/server-config

Saves the server configuration

GET /api/settings/(server)/path-expander

Expends a given path

For instance if it’s given a glob expression it will returns a list of files matching the expression.

GET /api/settings/(server)/clients

Returns a list of clients

GET /api/settings/(server)/options

Returns various setting options

PUT /api/settings/(server)/config

Creates a new client

GET /api/restore/server-restore/(name)

Reads the content of the ‘restore’ file if present

GET method provided by the webservice.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on

The content of the restore file

DELETE /api/restore/server-restore/(name)

Remove the ‘restore’ file if present

DELETE method provided by the webservice.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on

Status message (success or failure)

GET /api/clients/running/(client)

Returns a list of clients currently running a backup

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

[ 'client1', 'client2' ]

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • client (str) – Ask a specific client in order to know if it is running a backup

The JSON described above.

GET /api/clients/(server)/backup-running

Tells if a backup is running right now

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

    "running": false

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode

The JSON described above.

GET /api/clients/(server)/running

Returns a list of clients currently running a backup

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

[ 'client1', 'client2' ]

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • client (str) – Ask a specific client in order to know if it is running a backup

The JSON described above.

GET /api/clients/(server)/report

Returns a global report about all the clients of a given server

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

  "backups": [
      "name": "client1",
      "number": 15
      "name": "client2",
      "number": 1
  "clients": [
      "name": "client1",
      "stats": {
        "total": 296377,
        "totsize": 57055793698,
        "windows": "unknown"
      "name": "client2",
      "stats": {
        "total": 3117,
        "totsize": 5345361,
        "windows": "true"

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode

The JSON described above

GET /api/clients/(server)/stats

Returns a list of clients with their states

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

      "last": "2015-05-17 11:40:02",
      "name": "client1",
      "state": "idle",
      "phase": "phase1",
      "percent": 12,
      "last": "never",
      "name": "client2",
      "state": "idle",
      "phase": "phase2",
      "percent": 42,

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode

The JSON described above

GET /api/clients/(server)/all

Returns a list of all clients with their associated Agent if any

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

    "name": "client1",
    "agent": "agent1"
    "name": "client2",
    "agent": "agent1"
    "name": "client3",
    "agent": "agent2"

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode

The JSON described above

PUT /api/backup/do-server-backup/(name)

Schedule a server-initiated backup

PUT method provided by the webservice.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on

Status message (success or failure)

GET /api/backup/server-backup/(name)

Tells if a ‘backup’ file is present

GET method provided by the webservice.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on

True if the file is found

DELETE /api/backup/server-backup/(name)

Remove the ‘backup’ file if present

DELETE method provided by the webservice.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on

Status message (success or failure)

GET /api/client/report/(name)

Returns a global report of a given backup/client

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

  "dir": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 394,
    "scanned": 394,
    "total": 394,
    "unchanged": 0
  "duration": 5,
  "efs": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "encrypted": true,
  "end": 1422189124,
  "files": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "files_enc": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 1421,
    "scanned": 1421,
    "total": 1421,
    "unchanged": 0
  "hardlink": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "meta": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "meta_enc": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "number": 1,
  "received": 1679304,
  "softlink": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 1302,
    "scanned": 1302,
    "total": 1302,
    "unchanged": 0
  "special": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "start": 1422189119,
  "total": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 3117,
    "scanned": 3117,
    "total": 3117,
    "unchanged": 0
  "totsize": 5345361,
  "vssfooter": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "vssfooter_enc": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "vssheader": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "vssheader_enc": {
    "changed": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "new": 0,
    "scanned": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "unchanged": 0
  "windows": "false"

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on
  • backup (int) – The backup we are working on

The JSON described above.

GET /api/client/stats/(name)

Returns a list of backups for a given client

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

    "date": "2015-01-25 13:32:00",
    "deletable": true,
    "encrypted": true,
    "received": 123,
    "size": 1234,
    "number": 1

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • name (str) – The client we are working on

The JSON described above.

GET /api/misc/counters/(client)

Returns counters for a given client

GET method provided by the webservice.

  • name – the client name if any. You can also use the GET parameter

‘name’ to achieve the same thing

GET /api/misc/history/(client)

Returns a list of calendars describing the backups that have been completed so far

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

    "color": "#7C6F44",
    "events": [
        "backup": "0000001",
        "end": "2015-01-25 13:32:04+01:00",
        "name": "toto-test",
        "start": "2015-01-25 13:32:00+01:00",
        "title": "Client: toto-test, Backup n°0000001",
        "url": "/client/toto-test"
    "name": "toto-test",
    "textColor": "white"

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • client (str) – Which client to collect data from

The JSON described above

GET /api/misc/(server)/counters

Returns counters for a given client

GET method provided by the webservice.

  • name – the client name if any. You can also use the GET parameter

‘name’ to achieve the same thing

GET /api/misc/(server)/monitor

Returns a list of clients that are currently running a backup

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

    'client': 'client1',
    'agent': 'burp1',
    'counters': {
        'phase': 2,
        'path': '/etc/some/configuration',
        '...': '...',
    'client': 'client12',
    'agent': 'burp2',
    'counters': {
        'phase': 3,
        'path': '/etc/some/other/configuration',
        '...': '...',

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode

The JSON described above

GET /api/misc/(server)/history

Returns a list of calendars describing the backups that have been completed so far

GET method provided by the webservice.

The JSON returned is:

    "color": "#7C6F44",
    "events": [
        "backup": "0000001",
        "end": "2015-01-25 13:32:04+01:00",
        "name": "toto-test",
        "start": "2015-01-25 13:32:00+01:00",
        "title": "Client: toto-test, Backup n°0000001",
        "url": "/client/toto-test"
    "name": "toto-test",
    "textColor": "white"

The output is filtered by the burpui.misc.acl module so that you only see stats about the clients you are authorized to.

  • server (str) – Which server to collect data from when in multi-agent mode
  • client (str) – Which client to collect data from

The JSON described above

GET /api/misc/(server)/about

Returns various informations about Burp-UI