Step By Step

Although Burp-UI tries to make Burp accessible to everyone, both products have their complexity.

In this Step by Step, I would like to introduce you different use-cases with their associated configurations, descriptions and comments. In every case, we will consider neither Burp or Burp-UI are installed and describe the steps to setup your server from Scratch.


Again, this part of the doc is mostly debian-centric. If some users are willing to adapt these examples with other distros I would be very thankful.

  1. Burp1 server with Burp-UI
  2. Burp2 server with Burp-UI
  3. Multiple servers with bui-agents

Burp1 server

In this scenario, we are going to install a Burp server version 1.4.40 which is the current stable version. We assume you are using the user root to run the following commands.

We begin with the installation of Burp itself.

First, we need some system requirements in order to compile Burp and to install Burp-UI:

apt-get update
apt-get install uthash-dev g++ make libssl-dev librsync-dev python2.7-dev \
git python-pip libffi-dev

Now we retrieve the Burp sources and then we compile and install it:

cd /usr/src
git clone
cd burp
git checkout tags/1.4.40
./configure --disable-ipv6
make install
# we also install init scripts
cp debian/init /etc/init.d/burp
cat >/etc/default/burp<<EOF
DAEMON_ARGS="-c /etc/burp/burp-server.conf"
chmod +x /etc/init.d/burp
update-rc.d burp defaults

It is now time to install Burp-UI:

pip install --upgrade burp-ui

Now that everything is installed, let’s configure our tools!

In order to perform online restorations, Burp-UI relies on a classical Burp client.

We need to define our client, and we also need to allow it to perform restorations for other clients. We will set it up globally. Our client will be named bui:

# burp-ui client's definition
cat >/etc/burp/clientconfdir/bui<<EOF
password = abcdefgh

# grant our client to perform restorations for others
echo "restore_client = bui" >>/etc/burp/burp-server.conf

# now we generate ou client configuration
cat >/etc/burp/burp.conf<<EOF
mode = client
port = 4971
server =
password = abcdefgh
cname = bui
pidfile = /var/run/
syslog = 0
stdout = 1
progress_counter = 1
ca_burp_ca = /usr/sbin/burp_ca
ca_csr_dir = /etc/burp/CA-client
# SSL certificate authority - same file on both server and client
ssl_cert_ca = /etc/burp/ssl_cert_ca.pem
# Client SSL certificate
ssl_cert = /etc/burp/ssl_cert-client.pem
# Client SSL key
ssl_key = /etc/burp/ssl_cert-client.key
# SSL key password
ssl_key_password = password
# Common name in the certificate that the server gives us
ssl_peer_cn = burpserver
# The following options specify exactly what to backup.
include = /home

Our Burp server is now set up, we can start it:

/etc/init.d/burp start

Now we can configure Burp-UI. The package comes with a default configuration and init scripts. We copy them at the right place:

cp /usr/local/share/burpui/contrib/debian/ /etc/init.d/burp-ui
chmod +x /etc/init.d/burp-ui
update-rc.d burp-ui defaults
cp /usr/local/share/burpui/etc/burpui.sample.cfg /etc/burp/burpui.cfg

The default configuration is plug and play for this case, we just have to start Burp-UI:

/etc/init.d/burp-ui start

Your server is now fully set-up, you can access Burp-UI by pointing your browser to: http://server_ip:5000/

The default user / password is: admin / admin

For further customization, you can refer to the usage page of this documentation.

Burp2 server

In this scenario, we are going to install a Burp server version 2.0.28. We assume you are using the user root to run the following commands.

We begin with the installation of Burp itself.

First, we need some system requirements in order to compile Burp and to install Burp-UI:

apt-get update
apt-get install uthash-dev g++ make libssl-dev librsync-dev python2.7-dev \
git python-pip libffi-dev libyajl-dev libz-dev

Now we retrieve the Burp sources and then we compile and install it:

cd /usr/src
git clone
cd burp
git checkout tags/2.0.28
make install
# we also install init scripts
cp debian/init /etc/init.d/burp
cat >/etc/default/burp<<EOF
DAEMON_ARGS="-c /etc/burp/burp-server.conf"
chmod +x /etc/init.d/burp
update-rc.d burp defaults

It is now time to install Burp-UI:

pip install --upgrade burp-ui

Now that everything is installed, let’s configure our tools!

In order to perform online restorations, Burp-UI relies on a classical Burp client.

We need to define our client, and we also need to allow it to perform restorations for other clients. We will set it up globally. Our client will be named bui:

# burp-ui client's definition
cat >/etc/burp/clientconfdir/bui<<EOF
password = abcdefgh

# grant our client to perform restorations for others
echo "restore_client = bui" >>/etc/burp/burp-server.conf
# Burp 2 is able to cache the manifests for better performances
echo "monitor_browse_cache = 1" >>/etc/burp/burp-server.conf

# now we generate ou client configuration
cat >/etc/burp/burp.conf<<EOF
mode = client
port = 4971
status_port = 4972
server = ::1
password = abcdefgh
cname = bui
pidfile = /var/run/
syslog = 0
stdout = 1
progress_counter = 1
network_timeout = 72000
ca_burp_ca = /usr/sbin/burp_ca
ca_csr_dir = /etc/burp/CA-client
# SSL certificate authority - same file on both server and client
ssl_cert_ca = /etc/burp/ssl_cert_ca.pem
# Client SSL certificate
ssl_cert = /etc/burp/ssl_cert-client.pem
# Client SSL key
ssl_key = /etc/burp/ssl_cert-client.key
# SSL key password
ssl_key_password = password
# Common name in the certificate that the server gives us
ssl_peer_cn = burpserver
# The following options specify exactly what to backup.
include = /home

Our Burp server is now set up, we can start it:

/etc/init.d/burp start

Now we can configure Burp-UI. The package comes with a default configuration and init scripts. We copy them at the right place:

cp /usr/local/share/burpui/contrib/debian/ /etc/init.d/burp-ui
chmod +x /etc/init.d/burp-ui
update-rc.d burp-ui defaults
cp /usr/local/share/burpui/etc/burpui.sample.cfg /etc/burp/burpui.cfg

We have to edit the default configuration in order to work with a Burp-2 server:

sed -i "s/^version: .*/version: 2/" /etc/burp/burpui.cfg

That’s it, the other default parameter should be able to handle such a setup. We can start Burp-UI:

/etc/init.d/burp-ui start

Your server is now fully set-up, you can access Burp-UI by pointing your browser to: http://server_ip:5000/

The default user / password is: admin / admin

For further customization, you can refer to the usage page of this documentation.

Multiple servers