
Since the v0.4.0, a docker image is provided. It ships with the latest stable release of Burp-UI and supports the celery worker introduced in v0.3.0 if you link it to a redis container.


All you need is docker and docker-compose. A docker-compose.yml file is provided. There are a few variables supported to setup your system:

  • BURPUI_CONFIG - Specify where the Burp-UI configuration file is located. It defaults to “/etc/burp/burpui.cfg”.
  • BURPUI_VERBOSE - Specify the log verbosity (between 0 and 4). It defaults to 0.
  • BURPUI_CLIENT_NAME - Specify the name of the burp client that will be used by Burp-UI. It defaults to “bui”.
  • BURPUI_UID - uid of the burpui user you want to map in your host. It defaults to 5337.
  • BURPUI_GID - gid of the burpui group you want to map in your host. It defaults to 5337.
  • BURPUI_PLUGINS - Directory where to look for plugins. It defaults to none which means no plugins will be loaded.
  • BURPUI_WS_WORKERS - How many WebSocket servers to spawn. Defaults to the number of CPU cores/sockets/threads found.
  • BURPUI_RP_SCHEME - HTTP Scheme to set for the reverse-proxy. If you are behind a reverse-proxy that provides SSL, you should set this to https which is the default value.
  • BURP_CLIENT_CONFIG - Specify the path of the burp client configuration file to use for the Burp-UI client. It defaults to “/tmp/burp.conf”. It means you won’t have access to it outside of the container. It is intended to not override the /etc/burp/burp.conf file if you already use it.
  • BURP_SERVER_CONFIG - Specify the path of the burp-server configuration file. It defaults to “/etc/burp/burp-server.conf”.
  • DATABASE_URL - Specify the URL of the database to connect to. It defaults to “sqlite:////var/lib/burpui/store.db”.
  • REDIS_SERVER - Specify the address of the redis server. It defaults to “redis:6379”.
  • BURP_SERVER_ADDR - Specify the address of the burp-server status port. If set to “auto” (the default), we will use the address of the docker host. Make sure your status port is listening on this interface.
  • TIMEZONE - Specify the timezone of your burp-server. It defaults to Europe/Paris.

The provided docker-compose.yml file suggests that you mount the /etc/burp and /var/spool/burp paths inside the container (this is automatic) so that Burp-UI is able to access some required files.


The docker image only works with a burp server version 2.0.x.

Burp-UI will be launched with the user burpui inside the container. This user has the UID $BURPUI_UID and the GID $BURPUI_GID so you may want to create a user with the associated UID/GID in your host and make sure it has read AND write access to /etc/burp and /var/spool/burp.

For instance:

groupadd -g 5337 burpui
useradd -r -m -d /var/lib/burpui -c 'Burp-UI daemon user' -u 5337 -g 5337 burpui


All you have to do is to retrieve the docker-compose.yml file, edit the variables if needed and launch the docker containers. For instance you could do:

mkdir -p ~/workspace
cd ~/workspace
git clone
cd burp-ui
docker-compose up -d

That’s it. Really. Now profit and go to http://localhost:5000/


Here are some hints to help you troubleshoot your Burp-UI container.

Cannot launch burp process: Unable to spawn burp process

This means Burp-UI was not able to spawn a burp client that is able to communicate with the server. You can check the containers logs using the docker-compose logs command. If the output contains something like:

It looks like your burp server is not exposing it's status port in a way that is reachable by Burp-UI!
You may want to set the 'status_address' setting with either '', '::' or '' in the /etc/burp/burp-server.conf file in order to make Burp-UI work

It means your burp-server is not exposing its status port. The above output gives you the instructions to fix it.


You’ll have to restart your burp-server to bind to the new status_address

Other errors may be reported as well by the docker-compose logs command. Please read its output carefully.

If the error still occurs, you may need to investigate further. You can run these commands:

# docker-compose ps
Name                    Command               State            Ports
burpui_burpui_1   /app/init app:start              Up>5000/tcp
burpui_redis_1 redis ...   Up      6379/tcp
# docker exec -it burpui_burpui_1 /bin/bash
root@59d883806fc7:/# su - burpui
$ /usr/sbin/burp -c /tmp/burp.conf -a m
{ "logline": "Could not find ssl_cert_ca /etc/burp/ssl_cert_ca-client-bui.pem: No such file or directory" }
{ "logline": "auth ok" }
{ "logline": "Server version: 2.0.52" }
{ "logline": "nocsr ok" }
{ "logline": "SSL is using cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2 Kx=DH       Au=RSA  Enc=AESGCM(256) Mac=AEAD
" }
{ "logline": "Certificate doesn't verify." }
{ "logline": "check cert failed" }

In this case, we see a pem file is missing. You can usually fix this issue by running:

# ln -s /etc/burp/ssl_cert_ca.pem /etc/burp/ssl_cert_ca-client-bui.pem