Since the v0.4.0, a docker image is provided. It ships with the latest stable release of Burp-UI and supports the celery worker introduced in v0.3.0 if you link it to a redis container.
All you need is docker and docker-compose. A docker-compose.yml file is provided. There are a few variables supported to setup your system:
BURPUI_CONFIG - Specify where the Burp-UI configuration file is located. It defaults to
.BURPUI_MONITOR_CONFIG - Specify where the bui-monitor configuration file is located. It defaults to
.BURPUI_VERBOSE - Specify the log verbosity (between 0 and 4). It defaults to 0.
BURPUI_CLIENT_NAME - Specify the name of the burp client that will be used by Burp-UI. It defaults to
.BURPUI_UID - uid of the burpui user you want to map in your host. It defaults to
.BURPUI_GID - gid of the burpui group you want to map in your host. It defaults to
.BURPUI_PLUGINS - Directory where to look for plugins. It defaults to
which means no plugins will be loaded.BURPUI_WS_WORKERS - How many WebSocket servers to spawn. Defaults to the number of CPU cores/sockets/threads found.
BURPUI_RP_SCHEME - HTTP Scheme to set for the reverse-proxy. If you are behind a reverse-proxy that provides SSL, you should set this to
which is the default value.BURP_CLIENT_CONFIG - Specify the path of the burp client configuration file to use for the Burp-UI client. It defaults to
. It means you won’t have access to it outside of the container. It is intended to not override the/etc/burp/burp.conf
file if you already use it.BURP_SERVER_CONFIG - Specify the path of the burp-server configuration file. It defaults to
.BURP_RESTORE_LISTEN_ADDR - Specify a custom listen address that will be dedicated for restorations processed by Burp-UI. It defaults to
.DATABASE_URL - Specify the URL of the database to connect to. It defaults to
which is the default db shipped with the docker-compose.yml.GUNICORN_WORKERS - How many gunicorn workers to spawn. Defaults to the number of CPU cores/sockets/threads found.
GUNICORN_WORKER_CLASS - What kind of gunicorn workers to use. Defaults to
which is the only worker supported if you are running theparallel
backend.REDIS_SERVER - Specify the address of the redis server. It defaults to
.BURP_SERVER_ADDR - Specify the address of the burp-server status port. If set to “auto”, we will use the address of the docker host. Make sure your status port is listening on this interface. Defaults to
which is the burp container shipped with the docker-compose.yml.ASYNC_POOL_SIZE - Size of the bui-monitor pool size. Defaults to the number of CPU cores/sockets/threads found.
ASYNC_CONCURRENCY - Number of parallel requests to send to the bui-monitor when using the
backend (defined in BURPUI_BACKEND). The value should not exceed the ASYNC_POOL_SIZE and defaults to2
if ASYNC_POOL_SIZE > 2 else it defaults to1
.TIMEZONE - Specify the timezone of your burp-server. It defaults to Europe/Paris.
The provided docker-compose.yml file suggests that you mount the /etc/burp and /var/spool/burp paths inside the container (this is automatic) so that Burp-UI is able to access some required files.
The docker image only works with a burp server version 2.0.x.
Burp-UI will be launched with the user burpui inside the container. This
user has the UID $BURPUI_UID
so you may want to
create a user with the associated UID/GID in your host and make sure it has read
AND write access to /etc/burp and /var/spool/burp.
For instance:
groupadd -g 5337 burpui
useradd -r -m -d /var/lib/burpui -c 'Burp-UI daemon user' -u 5337 -g 5337 burpui
All you have to do is to retrieve the docker-compose.yml file, edit the variables if needed and launch the docker containers. For instance you could do:
mkdir -p ~/workspace
cd ~/workspace
git clone
cd burp-ui
docker-compose up -d
That’s it. Really. Now profit and go to http://localhost:5000/
Here are some hints to help you troubleshoot your Burp-UI container.
Cannot launch burp process: Unable to spawn burp process¶
This means Burp-UI was not able to spawn a burp client that is able to
communicate with the server. You can check the containers logs using the
docker-compose logs
If the output contains something like:
It looks like your burp server is not exposing it's status port in a way that is reachable by Burp-UI!
You may want to set the 'status_address' setting with either '', '::' or '' in the /etc/burp/burp-server.conf file in order to make Burp-UI work
It means your burp-server is not exposing its status port. The above output gives you the instructions to fix it.
You’ll have to restart your burp-server to bind to the new status_address
Other errors may be reported as well by the docker-compose logs
Please read its output carefully.
If the error still occurs, you may need to investigate further. You can run these commands:
# docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
burpui_burpui_1 /app/init app:start Up>5000/tcp
burpui_redis_1 redis ... Up 6379/tcp
# docker exec -it burpui_burpui_1 /bin/ash
root@59d883806fc7:/# su - burpui
$ /usr/sbin/burp -c /tmp/burp.conf -a m
{ "logline": "Could not find ssl_cert_ca /etc/burp/ssl_cert_ca-client-bui.pem: No such file or directory" }
{ "logline": "auth ok" }
{ "logline": "Server version: 2.0.52" }
{ "logline": "nocsr ok" }
{ "logline": "SSL is using cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2 Kx=DH Au=RSA Enc=AESGCM(256) Mac=AEAD
" }
{ "logline": "Certificate doesn't verify." }
{ "logline": "check cert failed" }
In this case, we see a pem file is missing. You can usually fix this issue by running:
# ln -s /etc/burp/ssl_cert_ca.pem /etc/burp/ssl_cert_ca-client-bui.pem