Source code for burpui.misc.backend.interface

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
.. module:: burpui.misc.backend.interface
    :platform: Unix
    :synopsis: Burp-UI backend interface.

.. moduleauthor:: Ziirish <>

import os
import re
import logging

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

from six import with_metaclass

G_BURPHOST = u'::1'
G_BURPBIN = u'/usr/sbin/burp'
G_STRIPBIN = u'/usr/sbin/vss_strip'
G_STRIPBIN2 = u'/usr/bin/vss_strip'
G_BURPCONFCLI = u'/etc/burp/burp.conf'
G_BURPCONFSRV = u'/etc/burp/burp-server.conf'
G_TMPDIR = u'/tmp/bui'
G_ZIP64 = False
G_INCLUDES = [u'/etc/burp']

[docs]class BUIbackend(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): """The :class:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend` class provides a consistent interface backend for any ``burp`` server. :param server: ``Flask`` server instance in order to access logger and/or some global settings :type server: :class:`burpui.server.BUIServer` :param conf: Configuration file to use :type conf: str """ # Defaults config parameters defaults = {} logger = logging.getLogger('burp-ui') def __init__(self, server=None, conf=None): # pragma: no cover """ :param server: Application context :type server: :class:`burpui.server.BUIServer` """ = server self.zip64 = G_ZIP64 self.timeout = G_TIMEOUT = G_BURPHOST self.port = G_BURPPORT self.burpbin = G_BURPBIN self.stripbin = G_STRIPBIN self.burpconfcli = G_BURPCONFCLI self.burpconfsrv = G_BURPCONFSRV self.includes = G_INCLUDES self.revoke = G_REVOKE self.enforce = G_ENFORCE self.running = [] burp_opts = { 'bport': G_BURPPORT, 'bhost': G_BURPHOST, 'burpbin': G_BURPBIN, 'stripbin': G_STRIPBIN, 'bconfcli': G_BURPCONFCLI, 'bconfsrv': G_BURPCONFSRV, 'timeout': G_TIMEOUT, 'tmpdir': G_TMPDIR, } self.defaults = { 'Burp': burp_opts, # TODO: remove this when we drop the compatibility 'Burp1': burp_opts, 'Burp2': burp_opts, 'Experimental': { 'zip64': G_ZIP64, }, 'Security': { 'includes': G_INCLUDES, 'revoke': G_REVOKE, 'enforce': G_ENFORCE, }, } self.defaults['Burp2']['stripbin'] = G_STRIPBIN2 tmpdir = G_TMPDIR if conf is not None: conf.update_defaults(self.defaults) section = 'Burp' if section not in conf.options: section_old = 'Burp{}'.format(self._vers) if section_old in conf.options: # TODO: remove the compatibility self.logger.critical( 'The "[{}]" section is DEPRECATED and will be removed ' 'in v0.7.0. Please use the "[Burp]" section ' 'instead.'.format(section_old) ) section = section_old conf.default_section(section) self.with_celery = conf.get('WITH_CELERY', False) self.port = conf.safe_get('bport', 'integer') = conf.safe_get('bhost') self.burpbin = self._get_binary_path( conf, 'burpbin', G_BURPBIN, sect=section ) STRIPBIN_DEFAULT = G_STRIPBIN if self._vers == 2: STRIPBIN_DEFAULT = G_STRIPBIN2 self.stripbin = self._get_binary_path( conf, 'stripbin', STRIPBIN_DEFAULT, sect=section ) confcli = conf.safe_get('bconfcli') confsrv = conf.safe_get('bconfsrv') tmpdir = conf.safe_get('tmpdir') self.timeout = conf.safe_get( 'timeout', 'integer' ) # Experimental options self.zip64 = conf.safe_get( 'zip64', 'boolean', section='Experimental' ) # Security options self.includes = conf.safe_get( 'includes', 'force_list', section='Security' ) self.enforce = conf.safe_get( 'enforce', 'boolean', section='Security' ) self.revoke = conf.safe_get( 'revoke', 'boolean', section='Security' ) if confcli and not os.path.isfile(confcli): self.logger.warning("The file '%s' does not exist", confcli) if confsrv and not os.path.isfile(confsrv): self.logger.warning("The file '%s' does not exist", confsrv) if not self.burpbin and self._vers == 2 and \ getattr(, 'strict', True): # The burp binary is mandatory for this backend self.logger.critical( 'This backend *CAN NOT* work without a burp binary' ) if not in ['', '::1'] and self._vers == 1: self.logger.warning("Invalid value for 'bhost'. Must be '' or '::1'. Falling back to '%s'", G_BURPHOST) = G_BURPHOST self.burpconfcli = confcli self.burpconfsrv = confsrv if (tmpdir and os.path.exists(tmpdir) and not os.path.isdir(tmpdir)): self.logger.warning( "'%s' is not a directory", tmpdir ) if tmpdir == G_TMPDIR and \ getattr(, 'strict', True): self.logger.critical( "Cannot use '{}' as tmpdir".format(tmpdir) ) self.tmpdir = None return tmpdir = G_TMPDIR if os.path.exists(tmpdir) and not os.path.isdir(tmpdir) and \ getattr(, 'strict', True): self.logger.critical( "Cannot use '{}' as tmpdir".format(tmpdir) ) self.tmpdir = None return if tmpdir and not os.path.exists(tmpdir): try: os.makedirs(tmpdir) except OSError as exp: self.logger.critical(str(exp)) self.tmpdir = None return self.tmpdir = tmpdir # Utilities functions def _get_binary_path(self, config, field, default=None, sect='Burp'): """Helper function to retrieve a binary path from the configuration :param field: Field name to look for :type field: str :param default: Default value in case the retrieved value is not correct :type default: str """ temp = config.safe_get(field, section=sect) or default if temp and not temp.startswith('/'): self.logger.warning("Please provide an absolute path for the '{}' option. Fallback to '{}'".format(field, default)) temp = default elif temp and not re.match(r'^\S+$', temp): self.logger.warning("Incorrect value for the '{}' option. Fallback to '{}'".format(field, default)) temp = default elif temp and (not os.path.isfile(temp) or not os.access(temp, os.X_OK)): self.logger.warning("'{}' does not exist or is not executable. Fallback to '{}'".format(temp, default)) temp = default if temp and (not os.path.isfile(temp) or not os.access(temp, os.X_OK)): # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("Ooops, '{}' not found or is not executable".format(temp)) temp = None return temp """ Utilities functions """
[docs] @abstractmethod def status(self, query='\n', timeout=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.status` method is used to send queries to the Burp server :param query: Query to send to the server :type query: str :param timeout: Query timeout in seconds :type timeout: int :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: The output returned by the server parsed as an array Example:: [ "client1\t2\ti\t576 0 1443766803", "client2\t2\ti\t1 0 1422189120" ] """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_backup_logs(self, number, client, forward=False, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.get_backup_logs` function is used to retrieve the burp logs depending the burp-server version. :param number: Backup number to work on :type number: int :param client: Client name to work on :type client: str :param forward: Is the client name needed in later process :type forward: bool :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: Dict containing the backup log Example:: { "dir": { "changed": 0, "deleted": 0, "new": 17, "scanned": 30246, "total": 30246, "unchanged": 30229 }, "duration": 436, "efs": { "changed": 0, "deleted": 0, "new": 0, "scanned": 0, "total": 0, "unchanged": 0 }, "encrypted": false, "end": 1443767237, "files": { "changed": 47, "deleted": 2, "new": 2, "scanned": 227377, "total": 227377, "unchanged": 227328 }, "files_enc": { "changed": 0, "deleted": 0, "new": 0, "scanned": 0, "total": 0, "unchanged": 0 }, "hardlink": { "changed": 0, "deleted": 0, "new": 0, "scanned": 28, "total": 28, "unchanged": 28 }, "meta": { "changed": 0, "deleted": 0, "new": 0, "scanned": 58, "total": 58, "unchanged": 58 }, "meta_enc": { "changed": 0, "deleted": 0, "new": 0, "scanned": 0, "total": 0, "unchanged": 0 }, "number": 576, "received": 11691704, "softlink": { "changed": 0, "deleted": 0, "new": 0, "scanned": 9909, "total": 9909, "unchanged": 9909 }, "special": { "changed": 0, "deleted": 0, "new": 0, "scanned": 1, "total": 1, "unchanged": 1 }, "start": 1443766801, "total": { "changed": 47, "deleted": 2, "new": 19, "scanned": 267619, "total": 267619, "unchanged": 267553 }, "totsize": 52047768383, "vssfooter": { "changed": 0, "deleted": 0, "new": 0, "scanned": 0, "total": 0, "unchanged": 0 }, "vssfooter_enc": { "changed": 0, "deleted": 0, "new": 0, "scanned": 0, "total": 0, "unchanged": 0 }, "vssheader": { "changed": 0, "deleted": 0, "new": 0, "scanned": 0, "total": 0, "unchanged": 0 }, "vssheader_enc": { "changed": 0, "deleted": 0, "new": 0, "scanned": 0, "total": 0, "unchanged": 0 }, "windows": "false" } """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_clients_report(self, clients, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.get_clients_report` function returns the computed/compacted data to display clients report. :param clients: List of clients as returned by :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.get_all_clients` :type clients: list :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: A dict with the computed data """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_counters(self, name=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.get_counters` function returns a dict of counters for a given client while it performs a backup. :param name: Name of the client for which you'd like stats :type name: str :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: A dict of counters """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_backup_running(self, name=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.is_backup_running` functions tells you if a given client is currently performing a backup. :param name: Name of the client :type name: str :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: True or False """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_one_backup_running(self, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.is_one_backup_running` function tells you if at least one backup is running. :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: A list of running clients """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_all_clients(self, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.get_all_clients` function returns a list containing all the clients with their states. :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: A list of clients Example:: [ { "last": "2015-10-02 08:20:03", "name": "client1", "state": "idle", }, { "last": "2015-01-25 13:32:00", "name": "client2", "state": "idle" } ] """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_client_status(self, name=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.get_client_status` function returns the status of a given client with its last stats. :param name: What client status do we want :type name: str :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: The last status of a given client Example:: { "state": "idle", "percent": null, "phase": null, "last": "never" } """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_client(self, name=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.get_client` function returns a list of dict representing the backups of a given client. :param name: Client name :type name: str :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: A list of backups Example:: [ { "date": "2015-01-25 13:32:00", "deletable": true, "encrypted": true, "number": "1", "received": 889818873, "size": 35612321050 } ] """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_client_filtered(self, name=None, limit=-1, page=None, start=None, end=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.get_client_filtered` function returns a list of dict representing the backups of a given client filtered by the given criteria. :param name: Client name :type name: str :param limit: Number of element to return, -1 for not limit :type limit: int :param page: What page to retrieve :type page: int :param start: Return elements after this date :type start: int :param end: Return elements until this date :type end: int :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: A list of backups Example:: [ { "date": "2015-01-25 13:32:00", "deletable": true, "encrypted": true, "number": "1", "received": 889818873, "size": 35612321050 } ] """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_tree(self, name=None, backup=None, root=None, level=-1, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.get_tree` function returns a list of dict representing files/dir (with their attr) within a given path :param name: Client name :type name: str :param backup: Backup number :type backup: int :param root: Root path to look into :type root: str :param level: Level of the tree relative to its root :type level: int :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: A list of files/dir within the given path with their attr Example:: [ { "date": "2015-01-23 20:00:07", "gid": "0", "inodes": "168", "mode": "drwxr-xr-x", "name": "/", "parent": "", "fullname": "/", "level": -1, "size": "12.0KiB", "type": "d", "uid": "0", "folder": True, "children": [] } ] """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete_backup(self, name=None, backup=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.delete_backup` function performs a backup deletion and returns an error message if the command failed. :param name: Client name :type name: str :param backup: Backup number :type backup: int :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: An error message if the command failed """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def restore_files(self, name=None, backup=None, files=None, strip=None, archive='zip', password=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.restore_files` function performs a restoration and returns a tuple containing the path of the generated archive and/or a message if an error happened. :param name: Client name :type name: str :param backup: Backup number :type backup: int :param files: A string representing a list of files to restore :type files: str Example:: ['/etc/passwd', '/etc/shadow'] :param strip: Number of parent directories to strip while restoring files :type strip: int :param archive: Format of the generated archive (may be zip, tar.gz or tar.bz2) :type archive: str :param password: Password for encrypted backups :type password: str :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: A tuple with the generated archive path and/or an error message """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def read_conf_srv(self, conf=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.read_conf_srv` function returns a dict of options present in the server config file. :param conf: Complementary configuration file (for instance, file inclusions) :type conf: str :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: Dict of options Example:: { "boolean": [ { "name": "hardlinked_archive", "value": false }, { "name": "syslog", "value": true }, ], "clients": [ { "name": "client1", "value": "/etc/burp/clientconfdir/client1" }, { "name": "client2", "value": "/etc/burp/clientconfdir/client2" }, ], "common": [ { "name": "mode", "value": "server" }, { "name": "directory", "value": "/srv/burp" }, ], "includes": [], "includes_ext": [], "integer": [ { "name": "port", "value": 4971 }, { "name": "status_port", "value": 4972 }, { "name": "max_children", "value": 5 }, { "name": "max_status_children", "value": 5 } ], "multi": [ { "name": "keep", "value": [ "7", "4", "4" ] }, { "name": "timer_arg", "value": [ "12h", "Mon,Tue,Thu,Fri,17,18,19,20,21,22,23", "Wed,Sat,Sun,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23" ] } ] } """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def read_conf_cli(self, client=None, conf=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.read_conf_cli` function works the same way as the :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.read_conf_srv` function but for the client config file. """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def store_conf_srv(self, data, conf=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.store_conf_srv` functions is used to save the new settings in the configuration file. :param data: Data as sent by the web-form :type data: dict :param conf: Force the file path (for file inclusions for instance) :type conf: str :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: A list of notifications to return to the UI (success or failure) Example:: [[0, "Success"]] """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def store_conf_cli(self, data, client=None, conf=None, template=False, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.store_conf_cli` function works the same way as the :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.store_conf_srv` function but for the client config file. It takes an extra parameter: :param client: Name of the client for which to apply this config :type client: str """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_parser_attr(self, attr=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.get_parser_attr` function is used to retrieve some attributes from the Parser. This function is useful in multi-agent mode because the front-end needs to access the backend attributes through the agents. :param attr: Name of the attribute to retrieve :type attr: str :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: The requested attribute or an empty list """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def expand_path(self, path=None, source=None, client=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.expand_path` function is used to expand path of file inclusions glob the user can set in the setting panel. This function is also a *proxy* for multi-agent setup. :param path: The glob/path to expand :type path: str :param source: In which file are we working :type source: str :param client: The client name when working on client files :type client: str :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: A list of files or an empty list """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def clients_list(self, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.clients_list` function is used to retrieve a list of clients with their configuration file. :returns: A list of clients with their configuration file """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete_client(self, client=None, keepconf=False, delcert=False, revoke=False, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.delete_client` function is used to delete a client from burp's configuration. :param client: The name of the client to remove :type client: str :param keepconf: Whether to keep the conf (in order to just revoke/delete the certs for instance) :type keepconf: bool :param delcert: Whether to delete the associated certificate :type delcert: bool :param revoke: Whether to revoke the associated certificate :type revoke: bool :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: A list of notifications to return to the UI (success or failure) """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_server_restore(self, client=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.is_server_restore` function is used to know if there is a server-initiated restoration file in place and retrieve its content in order to edit it. :param client: The name of the client to look for :type client: str :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: A dict representing the content of the server-initiated restoration file """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def cancel_server_restore(self, client=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.cancel_server_restore` function is used to delete the server-initiated restoration file of a given client. :param client: The name of the client to look for :type client: str :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: A list of notifications to return to the UI (success or failure) Example:: [[0, "Success"]] """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def server_restore(self, client=None, backup=None, files=None, strip=None, force=None, prefix=None, restoreto=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.server_restore` function is used to schedule a server-side initiated restoration. :param client: Client name :type client: str :param backup: Backup number :type backup: int :param files: List of files to restore :type files: str :param strip: Number of leading path to strip :type strip: int :param force: Whether to force overriding files or not :type force: bool :param prefix: Where to restore files :type prefix: str :param retoreto: Restore on an other client :type restoreto: str :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: A list of notifications to return to the UI (success or failure) """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_server_backup(self, client=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.is_server_backup` function is used to know if there is a server-initiated backup file in place. :param client: The name of the client to look for :type client: str :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: True or False """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def cancel_server_backup(self, client=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.cancel_server_backup` function is used to delete the server-initiated backup file of a given client. :param client: The name of the client to look for :type client: str :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: A list of notifications to return to the UI (success or failure) Example:: [[0, "Success"]] """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def server_backup(self, client=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.server_backup` function is used to schedule a server-side initiated backup. :param client: Client name :type client: str :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: A list of notifications to return to the UI (success or failure) """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def revocation_enabled(self, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.revocation_enabled` function is used to know if the revocation feature is enabled or not. :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: True or False """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_client_version(self, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.get_client_version` function returns the client version used to connect to the server. :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: Burp client version """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_server_version(self, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.get_server_version` function returns the server version (if any). :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: Burp server version """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_client_labels(self, client=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.get_client_labels` function returns a list of labels (if any) for a given client. .. note:: Labels are only available since Burp 2.0.34 :param client: The client for which you want the labels :type client: str :param agent: What server to ask (only in multi-agent mode) :type agent: str :returns: A list of labels or an empty list """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_attr(self, name, default=None, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.get_attr` function returns the given attribute or default. """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_parser(self, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.get_parser` function returns the parser of the current backend. """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_file(self, path, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.get_file` function is used to retrieve a file on a remote agent. """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def del_file(self, path, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.del_file` function is used to delete a file on a remote agent. """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def version(self, agent=None): """The :func:`burpui.misc.backend.interface.BUIbackend.version` function returns the version of the given agent. """ raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, the current Backend does not implement this method!") # pragma: no cover