
Since v0.3.0, Burp-UI ships with a tool called bui-manage. This tool allows you to create new users and to manage database migrations.

This tool is actually a wrapper script that interacts with the core of Burp-UI. You can use it like this:

bui-manage [wrapper options...] [--] <subcommand>

This page details the subcommand usage. The tool provides some inline help too:

bui-manage -h
usage: bui-manage [-h] [-c <CONFIG>] [-i <MIGRATIONSDIR>]
                  [-m <agent|server|worker|manage>]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c <CONFIG>, --config <CONFIG>
                        burp-ui configuration file
                        migrations directory
  -m <agent|server|worker|manage>, --mode <agent|server|worker|manage>
                        application mode
# note the -- used to separate the wrapper from the actual command
bui-manage -- --help
Usage: flask [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  This shell command acts as general utility script for Flask applications.

  It loads the application configured (either through the FLASK_APP
  environment variable) and then provides commands either provided by the
  application or Flask itself.

  The most useful commands are the "run" and "shell" command.

  Example usage:

    $ export FLASK_APP=hello
    $ export FLASK_DEBUG=1
    $ flask run

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  compile_translation  Compile translations.
  create_user          Create a new user.
  db                   Perform database migrations.
  init_translation     Initialize a new translation for the given...
  run                  Runs a development server.
  setup_burp           Setup burp client for burp-ui.
  shell                Runs a shell in the app context.
  update_translation   Update translation files.


To manage database migration, you first need to enable database support within your configuration file (see Production section)

You will also need some extra requirements:

pip install --upgrade "burp-ui[sql]"

Then you just have to run the following command to have your database setup:

bui-manage db upgrade

If your configuration is not in a common location, you can specify it like this:

bui-manage -c path/to/burpui.cfg db upgrade

If you did not install Burp-UI in a common location or you want to run it without installing it directly through the sources, you may need to specify the location of the migrations scripts like this:

bui-manage -c path/to/burpui.cfg -i path/to/migrations db upgrade


You can create new users using the bui-manage file like this:

bui-manage create_user <new_username>

By default, the script will create new users for the Basic authentication backend. Without further details, a new password will be generated. You can either provide a password through the command line or tell the script to ask you what to setup using either the -p or -a options.


bui-manage create_user user1
[*] Adding 'user1' user...
[+] Generated password: 71VIanuJ
[+] Success: True

bui-manage create_user -p toto user2
[*] Adding 'user2' user...
[+] Success: True

bui-manage create_user -a user3
[*] Adding 'user3' user...
[+] Success: True


Since v0.4.0, the bui-manage tool is now able to help you setup both Burp and Burp-UI so they speak to each other.

The available options are:

bui-manage setup_burp --help

Usage: flask setup_burp [OPTIONS]

  Setup burp client for burp-ui.

  -b, --burp-conf-cli TEXT   Burp client configuration file
  -s, --burp-conf-serv TEXT  Burp server configuration file
  -c, --client TEXT          Name of the burp client that will be used by
                             Burp-UI (defaults to "bui")
  -h, --host TEXT            Address of the status server (defaults to "::1")
  -r, --redis TEXT           Redis URL to connect to
  -d, --database TEXT        Database to connect to for persistent storage
  -n, --dry                  Dry mode. Do not edit the files but display
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

The script needs the Burp configuration files to be readable AND writable.


This script was initially developped to setup the docker image. I do not guarantee to be able to support it out of the docker context.


This script only supports Burp 2.0.x.

The docker image uses this script like this:

bui-manage -c $BURPUI_CONFIG setup_burp -b $BURP_CLIENT_CONFIG \



This tool first appeard with Burp-UI v0.5.0.

This tool will help you to gather system informations in order to make a detailed bug report.


bui-manage sysinfo

Python version:  2.7.9
Burp-UI version: 0.5.0 (stable)
Single mode:     True
Backend version: 2



This tool first appeard with Burp-UI v0.5.0.

This tool will help you detect misconfiguration. It will not modify your files, you will have to use the Configure tool for that.

The available options are:

bui-manage diag --help

Usage: flask diag [OPTIONS]

  Check Burp-UI is correctly setup

  -c, --client TEXT  Name of the burp client that will be used by Burp-UI
                     (defaults to "bui")
  -h, --host TEXT    Address of the status server (defaults to "::1")
  -t, --tips         Show you some tips
  --help             Show this message and exit.


bui-manage diag

The cname of your burp client does not match: hydrogen != bui
The burp server address does not match: != ::1
'max_status_children' is to low, you need to set it to 15 or more. Please edit your /etc/burp/burp-server.conf file
Your burp client is not listed as a 'restore_client'. You won't be able to view other clients stats!
For performance reasons, it is recommanded to enable the 'monitor_browse_cache'
Unable to find the /etc/burp/clientconfdir/bui file
Some errors have been found in your configuration. Please make sure you ran this command with the right flags! (see --help for details)

bui-manage diag -c hydrogen -h -t

'max_status_children' is to low, you need to set it to 15 or more. Please edit your /etc/burp/burp-server.conf file
Your burp client is not listed as a 'restore_client'. You won't be able to view other clients stats!
For performance reasons, it is recommanded to enable the 'monitor_browse_cache'
Well, if you are sure about your settings, you can run the following command to help you setup your Burp-UI agent. (Note, the '--dry' flag is here to show you the modifications that will be applied. Once you are OK with those, you can re-run the command without the '--dry' flag):
    > bui-manage setup_burp --host="" --client="hydrogen" --dry

When your configuration is OK, you should see this message:

Congratulations! It seems everything is alright. Burp-UI should run without any issue now.