
If you wish to use the latest and yet unstable version (eg. master), you can install it using pip too, but I would recommend you to use a virtualenv.

To do so, run the following commands:

mkdir /opt/bui-venv
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv /opt/bui-venv
source /opt/bui-venv/bin/activate
cd /tmp
wget -O
pip install --upgrade dist/burp-ui-*.tar.gz
# Now if you want to test the latest bui-agent run this command:
#pip install --upgrade meta/burp-ui-agent-*.tar.gz

You can uninstall/disable this Burp-UI setup by typing deactivate and removing the /opt/bui-venv directory.


For those of you who would like to hack on the project, I have split out the repository to keep a copy of all the external dependencies (JS and CSS) in a git submodule.

In order to run local debugging, you need to retrieve this git submodule.

To do so, run the following commands:

git clone
cd burp-ui
git submodule update --init

Before submitting your code, make sure the tests still run. To do that, you can use tox like this:

pip install tox

By defaults, it will run tests against python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.6. However, you can choose the versions specifically like this:

tox -e py27